New Year on way..

Wow its another year on way.. And while address a class, I heard someone saying, ” Let us rewind every event of 2010 for a possible introspection and also let us learn from our mistakes and lessons from our past shortcomings.

But I guess, we must march ahead with newer hope and prayers with seldom turning back.

Let us do, what we could not accomplish in 2010. Let the Realization drive in 2011 be very effective ahead for all of us for our collective growth. Let us learn to be more caring by sharing the love and the warmth that we have ultimately becomes dry if we don’t share.

Slient Night… Holy Night…
May our all Seasons ahead be blessed with peace, love and joy.
May we be blessed to live everywhere with bliss. Peace and Harmony…
Wrapping our collective heartfelt wishes, with joy that never ends.

Let us wish ourselves…. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…

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